Annika Katja Boll
Annika Boll is a German-born digital artist working in game design, 3D software and animation. After having studied Cultural Anthropology in Germany and India, she moved to France and obtained her diploma in Fine Arts at the Villa Arson Nice in 2022. Lately, her work has been shown at the Centre d’art de la Villa Arson Nice, the Centre Culturel Prince Héréditaire Jacques de Monaco at Beausoleil, the Archivio Comunale di Palermo and at -1, Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam. She is currently resident at V2 – Lab for Unstable Media, Rotterdam, and is part of the EU funded Art4Sea residency program on Ustica Island.
"Bisacquino Splatting"
<Bisacquino Splatting> is a digital walk through the streets of Bisacquino, Sicily. The use of a new technique of 3D reconstruction called Gaussian splatting on footage from Google street view results in a highly distorted scene, reassembling a cloud. Inside these colourful clouds, glimpses of the architecture of Bisacquino get contrasted by simulated LED screens displaying extracts of movies by Frank Capra in black and white. The clips showing the opposing existence of Bedford Falls or Pottersville (It’s a wonderful life, 1946) or the arrival and abandonment of Shangri-La (Lost Horizon, 1937), ask the spectator within our digitally fragmented reality which potential places we want to create for the future.